Photovoltaic inverter production line

Photovoltaic inverter production line


Photovoltaic inverter production line

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Photovoltaic inverter production line

      Background of the project   

The function of photovoltaic inverters is to turn light into electrical energy. The original production method is produced by artificial assembly lines. There are high -reused screw processes such as screw screws, large labor intensity such as semi -finished products and transportation. , Higher labor intensity, low product output, poor accuracy. Production through automated equipment can not only save manual and improve production efficiency and quality.

      Photovoltaic inverter automation production solution   

There are 7 processing sections of automated production equipment in this production line, including: assembly double -speed conveying lines, AGV handling group loading, the treatment tool transfer, pre -test testing, warehousing automated aging room, aging after testing, and automatic packaging galdling. The product production festival is 7-8PCS/UPH. After upgrading the automated production line, the existing output is 25-30pcs/up, and the output has increased significantly.

In the assembly stage: use the smart AGV robot to carry, and the automated robotic arm twist screw screw for the preliminary assembly;

Through automated equipment exchange devices to achieve fast workstoring switching, install the servo electric and nail positioning mechanism to the exchange device. The automatic robot is automatically replaced and quickly installed to achieve intelligent assembly functions.

Material transportation: All materials are transported by conveying lines: All materials in the product pass through the conveying line material, the tray can automatically transport the material to the remaining segments through the RFID identification system. The positioning of the elevator, the empty tray returns from the lower layer.

Aging test turnover: Adopt AGV support week transfer to product automation weekly transfer: transit by 4 smart AGV-holding products for transfer, product offline-wiring temporary stored area-old chemical room aging test-Quality Test-automatic packaging (automatic packaging.

Packaging: Use automatic robotic combination to automatically pack the product. Through the automatic tool exchange device, the product is automatically packed. The robot drives one of the tools to put the product from the rotary to the coating machine to cover the membrane, switch the work outfit and grab the product and put it in a carton that is opened by an automatic unpacking machine. Essence

Photovoltaic inverter automation production line is a leading position in the country. Unlike the existing artificial manual installation screws in the industry and use traditional robots for packaging testing. While making different types of products, it also has the characteristics of high efficiency and easy adjustment. It has greatly improved the manufacturing and production of the entire inverter power industry.


Production efficiency is high, saving about most labor costs.

Fast and stable stability has improved the pass rate of the subsequent testing of the product.

Standardized module design can be adjusted at any time, expanded workshops or upgrades.

The production data is automatically saved and connected to the server.

Using RFID technology, accurately records the production information of the product at each station, ensuring the traceability of product information.
